Anette Erikson pattern

Continuing the discussion from Pattern clarification:

Hi, I am knitting my first ever jumper and I have done the back which is in stocking stitch and is 44 cm in length. I am now at the shaping of the armholes section and I am a bit stuck…
The pattern states to cast off 4 stitches in the beginning of the next two rows , total of 8, so I get that, but then it states “continue to work until the piece measures approx 64 cm”…
So am I just casting off 4 stitches on two rows -8? And then continuing in stocking stitch until it reaches 64 cm?
Thanks in advance for your help.

I don’t know what pattern you are working but if it is all in stockinette with no change then yes you just continue in stockinette after these bind off rows. Sounds like a modified drop shoulder shape and these are the bind offs for underarms.

You might find it useful to count the rows as you work to the given length so you can make the front piece the same number of rows. I prefer this way.

Hope this helps

Thankyou so much, it is an Anette Eriksson pattern and the binding off of only 4 stitches on two rows confused me. I will probably need some more help as I continue and I will count the rows per your tip. Thank you.

Does the pattern have a schematic or photo that shows where the sleeves join the body?

It sounds like the design has what’s called a modified drop shoulder, or modified drop sleeve.

If you can give us the name or design number of the pattern, that would help.

This article from Knitty has a nice schematic of a modified drop shoulder. Ignore the text and scroll down to the heading “Variations”.

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Thanks, that definitely helps.
I have attached a photo of the jumper and photo of the instructions where I am up to.

Argh, not possible to see the sleeve construction in the photo, but sounds like you are on track with the instructions, even without a schematic.

Come back and tell us how it went if you can, or post a photo. We love to see finished objects (FOs) or works in progress (WIPs)!

Hi lovely people, I am now up to working on the shoulders.
Pattern instructions as follows:
Cast off the middle 20 stitches and finish each shoulder separately.
Cast off 1 stitch on first row from the neck.
Two questions, why am I just casting off 1 stitch? And I assume this refers to one shoulder and then I repeat this when working the other side?

Second question is, when I’m working the other shoulder, how do I attach the yarn? Attaching the yarn for the second shoulder has me stumped…

Thanks in advance.

Oh and here is a so far photo.

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The single stitch cast off at the neck is some minimal shaping on the neck that the designer wanted. You could just as easily decrease a stitch here or make the decrease one stitch in from the neck edge. Yes, this decrease will be mirrored on the other side of the neck.

Attaching the new yarn strand is easier than you might think. Start knitting with that new strand, leaving about a 6 inch tail to weave in later. You can hold the yarn tail along the left needle if you’d like to start out just to keep it a bit more stable, then let it drop. The first couple of stitches will be loose but you can always give the yarn tail a slight tug to tighten them up.

Thank you so much, that definitely helps.

Hi again, I have cast off my middle stitches to finish each shoulder separately.
Next instruction is to cast off 1 stitch on the first row from the neck?

Do I bind off my first stitch on the outer edge or the last stitch (next to the middle cast off stitches), I hope this makes sense.

This is a cast off at the neck edge. When you finish this first row, turn and complete the next row, purling to the neck edge. Now turn and cast off a single stitch (or work a decrease) then knit to the end of the row. (You’ll work the cast off in a similar way at the beginning of a purl row on the other shoulder.)
Your knitting is beautiful and even. The sweater will be lovely and we’d love to see that photo when you finish.

Thank you and I appreciate your feedback on my knitting, I am late 50’s and have not knitted since my Mother taught me as a teenager. No idea why I chose a jumper as my first attempt, maybe I needed a challenge :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome back to knitting. It such a relaxing craft and a real stress-reliever. Why not jump in with a sweater? It’s a good way to learn pattern terms, shaping and construction. Have fun with this one and all the many more to follow!

Your sweater is looking great.
I was similar to you, learned from my mum a bit when I was young, made 2 sweaters as a teen then nothing for 30+ years and I also came back to knitting with a sweater. If you only knit scarves you will only know how to knit scarves. You will be remember lots and learning some from this project and its looking great.
That single stitch, as salmonmac said, is what the designer wanted to shape the neck, even a single stitch can make a bit of a difference in smoothing out a shape. I suspect the resulting stitch count around the neck may be to work the neck edge on the correct number of stitches, I think there may be a rib pattern there or something, and this may (or may not) also be part of the decision to put in a single decrease at the neck.

Cheering you on.