Alternative rows confusion

I’ve tried starting this pattern and I’m confused on the ear flaps. It states knit on rows 1 and alternative rows but when it comes to increasing on rows 2 and 3 it only increases on one side (if I do row 1 then knit a row then row 2 then knit then row 3 etc) so the pattern looks lopsided. Should I just be doing the rows as they are written and not add the extra knit rows in between?

I’ve added a picture of what the earflaps on the hat should look like so people can see what it looks like.


I think you had a confusionmof the meaning of alternate rows.
The rows are numbered sequentially with no un embedded rows between.
Row 1 and alt rows knit means rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11… or until another instruction is given.

Hope this helps

Follow the row numbers as given and for the moment, ignore the knit alternate rows instruction.
Row 1 Knit
Row 2 Cast on 2 at beg of row
Row 3 Cast on 2 at beg of row
Row 4 Work the kfb as given near beg and end of row
Rows 5-7 Knit
Row 8 Work the kfb as given near beg and end of row

Very sweet and cozy little hat!

Thanks guys that makes a lot more sense :smiley:

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