So, I don’t know how many fantasy readers we have here, but I’ve always loved Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. They have finally turned it into a show on Amazon and I’m super excited for the premier!!!
There are a group of characters who wear shawls and stoles with the Aes Sedai symbol on it in the middle of the back (half a tear drop or half a ying yang minus the circle)
I’ve kept an eye out for knitting patterns but I usually just find projects that were made without a pattern. It’s a tricky pattern too since the teardrop isn’t the easiest thing to knit
I’ve only done a couple shawls in general but I’ve decided to figure out the pattern because first of all, I’ve always wanted one, and second of all, I think with the show coming out, it might gain popularity and I will be able to share my pattern with others who want one!
My default way of adding a design into something is with duplicate stitches since I hate weaving in ends and I prefer stockinette stich anyway. The teardrop doesn’t necessarily have to be in a different color but I’ve never been much of a fan of solo designs being done in purls on a stockinette background. Maybe on a dishtowel, but not on a formal looking shawl - lace stitching is possible but I’m not that good at designing yet haha.
So feedback is welcome and definitely appreciated. If anyone is interested in following the progress or contributing, lemme know!
This is a picture of a plain material shawl that gives the gist of the concept (color is dependent on “ajah” or the group you’re in: green-battle, red-men haters, white-logic, brown-history/literature, yellow-healing, gray-politics, blue-world events, black-evil)