Advice on how to make this shape with short rows

Aka “double layered pork chop” :rofl: it’s going to be knitted flat, but folded in half at the end, hopefully both cast on/off edges ending up curved as in the picture. I’m guessing the best approach is short rows that will get shorter towards the middle? Cast on row will be around 66 stitches if that helps.
Hope you like my colour coordinated diagram! Blue is cast on row, red is fold/centre, green is row ends and yellow is the cast off row.

Very cute pork chop and very intriguing!
You’d want the greatest number of rows on either side of the red line. So start with the greatest number of sts near the cast on (blue) and gradually reduce the length of the rows as you near the cast off (yellow). Got to love the colors!


Thank you so much! I’ll try this out very soon. Thanks for adding the useful visualisation in purple! :rofl:

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It was jumping up and waving itself at me!