Hi, I’ve just knitted a very nice lace scarf. It had been well over 20 years since I’ve knitted anything, so quite rusty, but it has come out very nice. The only thing is that I wished I had knitted just one line of stitches after casting on before starting the pattern. The reason being that my cast off edge looks that way, so would be good for both to look similar. Also, I need to add tassels yet and they would attach much better if there was an additional row at the bottom. Is this possible to do and how easy is it? Can you just put the needle in the loops and knit?
Adding just one additional row at the bottom of a project
You might try putting the needle in just under the cast on (which will look different depending what type of cast on you used) to pick up and knit, but bind off at the same time. Ie pick up and knit 2 pass first over second to bind off, pick up and knit 1, pass over to bind off.
Or pick up and knit a full row and then bind off which involves a second row.
You might try both on a small swatch first to see if you like the result. Depending on the cast on and where you go in to pick up you might end up with a ridge on the wrong side which maybe isn’t so good for a scarf, or you might feel it is worth it for the extra row and it may be disguised with the tassles.
I hope you will share a pic of your scarf, and welcome back to knitting.