Adding in a new super easy terms please!

Hiya, I am a super new knitter (as in 3 days lol) and I have a magazine which is teaching me to knit (Art of Knitting in case you’ve heard of it)

I am knitting 15cm squares which I will eventually make into a big blanket. The square I’m on at the mo is a stocking stitch square in white wool with a blue diamond in the middle and I just can’t change the colour to make this diamond. The instructions in the mag says to ‘loop the blue wool over the needle and twist it around the cream yarn. The make a single knit stitch using the blue wool.’

This is severly confusing me and looking at the videos really didn’t help the matter lol.

Please help!

Not sure but sounds like a little bit of intarsia knitting. Lucky for you, there is a video here on KnittingHelp that can show you, rather than tell you, how to do this and other types of color knitting including stranding, double knitting and joining colors.

Under the Videos tab at top of the page, scroll over to the far right to “Advanced Techniques”. Scroll to bottom 1/2 of the page and you will see videos to help you with these.

Best of luck to you! Can’t wait to see what you are knitting!

If it’s a magazine for teaching it should have instructions in the magazine for different techniques.

It sounds like you are doing intarsia. You will have a length of yarns wrapped on a bobbin or just hanging (personal choice) so when you come to it it will be ready to use. The yarn isn’t carried across the work, but picked up as you get to it. You twist the yarn so as not to create a hole.

I haven’t done a lot of this, but here are some videos and instructions to help you out if you can’t find them in the magazine.

Video here on KH…scroll down