Started an Adriafil knitting pattern. It is a V necked pattern when bobble sleeves. Have done stocking stitch instead of garter stitch. Am now picking up stitches from bottom right along neck and down other side to create the button border. There should only be 146 stitches but I had almost twice that. So, tried to reduce only to find it puckered.
Have unpicked it all. If I just rib the 200 + stitches will it look OK or will it do the opposite and go saggy instead it puckered?
Adapting or personalised pattern
I use the ratio of about 3sts picked up for every 4 rows in stockinette. This is not so straightforward on an area where there are decreases for the neck but in general, it works without puckering or flaring. I do that regardless of the number of sts that the pattern calls for. The only thing to keep in mind is the multiple that you may need for the ribbing (kp rib or k2p2 rib for example).
What is the name of your pattern and the designer?
Thanks very much. My heart is telling me that just picking up and ribbing should be ok but… It is the Tokyo cardigan from Adriafil D&R no 67.
I saw a great tip from Arne and Carlos for working out a button band stitch count.
Find another place on the project where you used the same rib pattern you need for the button band, ie waist rib or cuff rib, waist is better just because it’s longer.
Work out your own rib gauge based on what you have already done, measure how many stitches per cm (over a longer length if you can, say 10 or 20cm then divide to get number of stitches in 1cm).
Use this stitch gauge to work out how many stitches you need to pick up for the full length of your button band, adjust to fit rib pattern as salmonmac said
You can also mark off every 10cm or so and know how many need to be picked up in that measurement as you go. This is helpful kn a shaped area like the neck where it is not so easy to count the rows but you can mark 10cm and know to put x amount of stitches between the marks.
I used this method when my pattern had some strange sizes going on and I followed a smaller pattern but increased length by adding rows, therefore had no indication from the pattern what the pick up for the band should be. It worked really well and I was also able to see regular pattern such as picking up 3 stitches for every 4 rows as salmonmac said and because I had my measurement/gauge if I needed to add an extra here or there it was fine.
The great thing about this is no need to swatch it as you already have rib on the sweater.
Sorry I don’t have a video for this tip I wouldn’t know where to find it again.