ABC Sweater by Debbie Bliss

Question regarding the right sleeve:

  1. I cast on 35 sts then knit 3 rows.
  2. Then I knit 1 row then purled the second row.
  3. Inc Row- Then knitted 3 sts, m1, knitted to the last 3 sts, m1, k3.
    ? 4. Purled 1 row, inc knitted row, purled row, inc knitted row, purled 1 row. This = the Work 5 rows.
    ? 5. Then I repeated steps 4 & 5 until I got 49 stitches. But then I would only have 18 rows on my row counter. According to the directions if I’m rep the last 6 rows 5 times that alone is 30 rows. What am I doing wrong?
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Welcome to KH!
Cast on 35
row 1: K
row 2: P
row 3: +2 (37sts)
row 4: P
row 5: +2 (39sts)
row 6: P
row 7: +2 (41sts)
row 8: P
Can you exactly quote the direction after these rows please? Which rows are to be repeated, rows 3-8? And do rows 3,5 and 7 all have increases or are they to be worked without increases?
Don’t give us more than a few rows due to designer copyright.

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Sorry I don’t know how to make the preview smaller. I have a lot to learn.

Thank you for helping

Cast on 35
row 1: K
row 2: P
row 3: +2 (37sts)
row 4: P
row 5: K
row 6: P
row 7: K
row 8: P
Then the pattern says Work 5 rows, those rows have no increases. They are knit and purl rows
Repeat rows 3-8 increasing 2sts each time row 3 is repeated. That’s 2sts x5 repeats =10 sts increased taking you to 47sts. Then the pattern says to repeat the increase row (row 3) once more taking you to 49sts.
See if this answers your question and come back and ask again if not.
The project knitters on Ravelry love this sweater and some have made it multiple times. Adorable!
We’d love to see a photo when you finish.

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Here is a copy of my finished sweater. Thank you so much for your help.


Congratulations beautiful sweater :heart_eyes:

Super cute and knitted so neatly. What a fun top.

Beautifully knit from the stripes to the buttonhole bands! Debbie Bliss patterns are sometimes not so straightforward to work but you’ve done this one so nicely.
What yarn did you use? It’s very pretty here.

I used Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino

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Lovely and soft. Thank you.