Abbreviation game

I need a word abbreviation for the following cabled stitches one slants right and one left but both use 2 cables to do. BTW, is there an “official” cabling abbreviation guide or does each designer just make up their own?

1st one: Slip 2 sts onto cn #1 and hold in back; slip next st onto cn #2 and hold in back; k2; p1 from cn #2; k2 from cn #1

2nd one: Slip 2 sts onto cn #1 and hold in front; slip next st onto cn #2 and hold in back; k2; p1 from cn #2; k2 from cn #1

The other abbreviations I’m using are rather simple like 2/2PRC for a k2, p2 right slanting cable. I’ve never tried abbreviating a cable stitch that uses 2 cable needles before. :eyes:

I just found this page, which has a bunch of cable abbreviations. I hope it helps!! :slight_smile:

While that is helpful, it doesn’t have anything about using 2 cable needles. I might have to make up an abbreviation if I can’t find an “appropriate” one :slight_smile: I’m still Googling different variations but no luck so far.

It is kind of funny that cable abbreviations and even symbols don’t have much of a standard. I mean, we all know what the letter K means :smiley:

I’ve never heard of using two cable needles. That’s a new one for me. I’m not sure how you’d abbreviate that one… hmmm:think:

I think as long as you describe the maneuver you want worked you can abbreviate it however you like. You could even use a name like SC1 and SC2 for Special Cable One and Special Cable 2.

There are some pretty standard abbreviations but there are always new combinations that don’t have a standard abbreviation, as far as I know.