Aargh, need help with lace edging!

Hello! I’m looking at a pattern, which contains this lace edging:

Lace edge (repeat 6 times/ wrist warmer).

row 1: k2, yo, p2 tog., k1, (2 yo , k2 tog.) 2 times, k1
row 2: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times, yo, p2 tog., k2
[COLOR=“Red”]row 3: k2, yo, p2 tog., k3, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, 1r[/COLOR]
row 4: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times , k3, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 5: k2, yo, p2 tog., k5, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1
row 6: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times , k5, yo, p2 tog, k2
row 7: k2, yo, p2 tog., k7, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1
row 8: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times, k7, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 9: k2, yo, p2 tog., k14
row 10: cast of 8st., k5, yo, p2 tog., k2

On row 3, what does “1r” mean on the end of the row? I think I understand everything else…though we’ll see when I try actually working it. :teehee: TIA!

One round or one repeat? I dunno, it could be a typo. Which pattern is it?

Oh whew, I was hoping you or Jan would come riding to the rescue! :slight_smile:

It’s this one, Anna’s blog, Stickfrossa. English isn’t her first language, and though I’m really impressed at her command of written English, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a typo…

I think it might be a K1…if you look at the other odd rows they end with a K1 while the even end with a K2 (until row 14)…I looked it up but didn’t see anyone commenting on it.

Have you worked Row 3 yet? What are you left with at the end? :think:

Oh, if it’s translated from swedish or German… rm in swedish is knit st, but r in german is row.

So she probably means K1, like the ends of her other rows? Fab. Thanks, Sue – the calvary saved the day again! :slight_smile:

Oop – sorry Dustinac – only just now saw your post! I haven’t worked it yet, I was reading it over to see whether I understood everything…I haven’t done a chart yet to see if it all works as written, either, but I think I might, as I’ve never worked lace sideways before.

Okay, I sat down to try the thing, and kept ending up one stitch short on row 4 (as in, instead of K2 on the end of the rows, I kept only having one available stitch left in the edging section).

So I sat down to try and chart it to see where the error was. As far as this rank tyro can see, it seems to me that rows 4, 6, and 8 have a stitch at the end that slops over into the ribbing section, and row 10 is one short (so you end up with only 9 stitches instead of 10 for the next lace edging repeat). But I don’t see anyone in the comments asking for corrections or help…so am I doing something wrong?

Is there maybe some knitting convention I don’t know that Anna assumes that an experienced knitter will know?

Aargh, help! :zombie:

I came up with this definition:

[COLOR=“DarkRed”] Make 1.[R] A Made stitch by a Bar increase to the right [/COLOR]

from this link: http://www.heirloomknits.com/vintageknitting_abbreviations.shtml

Hope this helps.


Ah HA! That would probably solve the entire problem with the mysterious disappearing stitch right there, then. :slight_smile: Yay! That probably means I can start this project now – Jan, yer a doll!

My pleasure, Zina. You’ve helped me out so much that it’s the least I can do.
What a pretty pattern, too!

Happy Knitting,

Okay…so I’ve knitted three repeats so far, and I think this is what I’ve come up with to make it work for me, changes in red. So just in the interest of the academic…if anyone has the time to look it over and tell me if anything looks off (ie: something I’m doing wrong from the pattern as written, thus making this version unnecessary), I’d appreciate it!


Foundation rows: co 10, k one row

row 1: k2, yo, p2 tog., k1, (2 yo , k2 tog.) 2 times, k1
row 2: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 3: k2, yo, p2 tog., k3, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, 1r
row 4: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times , k3, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 5: k2, yo, p2 tog., k5, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1
row 6: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times , k5, yo, p2 tog, k2
row 7: k2, yo, p2 tog., k7, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1
row 8: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times, k7, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 9: k2, yo, p2 tog., k14
row 10: cast of 8st., k5, yo, p2 tog., k2

[B]My “fixes”:[/B]

Foundation rows: co 10, k one row

row 1: k2, yo, p2 tog., k1, (2 yo , k2 tog.) 2 times, k1
row 2: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 3: k2, yo, p2 tog., k3, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, 1r (ie: increase one stitch on bar to right)
row 4: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times , k3, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 5: k2, yo, p2 tog., k5, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, [COLOR=“Red”]k2 tog[/COLOR]
row 6: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times , [COLOR=“red”]k4[/COLOR], yo, p2 tog, k2
row 7: k2, yo, p2 tog., k7, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1
row 8: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times, [COLOR=“red”]k6[/COLOR], yo, p2 tog., k2
row 9: k2, yo, p2 tog., k14
row 10: cast of 8st., k5, yo, p2 tog., k2

Looks like the M1R didn’t solve any further pattern problems. Must be frustrating. I’m sure they’ll be some very talented people here who can help you, but if not, my thinking is to drop the pattern author a line. Probably won’t be necessary tho’.
P.S. Got a few more questions to do with yarn/England. Should I post them at the original posting? I’m afraid you won’t catch them, and I don’t want to interfere with your posting here.

Ooh, wherever you like, Jan! I’ll answer if I can. (I’m about to get dressed and go to Loop, actually!) And pound to dollar right now is at about 1.40. Yay for me! Terrible for economy here tho.

And actually, it did solve the problem for those two rows. It just didn’t solve the problems of the other rows! :slight_smile: It’s a leaf pattern, so it is supposed to curve. This way looks more like the picture she has on her site, though…

I think the 1r at the end of row 3 is still supposed to be k1, not make 1. Because at the end of row 3 you have YO YO, st, st, and row 4 starts with k2, k1, p1, in double YO, so that works out. And it doesn’t make sense to Inc at the end of row 3, that throws off the k2, k1p1 in YO.

R 3 starts and ends with 14 sts. R 4 needs 15 sts and ends with 15 sts, but maybe there should be another YO earlier in R 3. Like, k2, yo, p2 tog.,[B]YO[/B] k3, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1. That could work out better for R 4.

Oh, I’m so confused! :?? But you’re a hero, Sue! I’ve written Anna to see if she might be able/willing to comment and perhaps offer some corrections…

Just slipped a few questions in over at “General Knitting,”
“Going to England” thread.

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated!


Hi and thank you for your help!
I have done some corrections on my blog, I’l hope this solve the problem! Sorry!
Best regards Anna

One more thing… 1r means K1 in swedish! I just forgot to translate it.

Oh, thank you, Anna!

So now with corrections, in case anyone’s still following this thread, it’s:

Lace edge (repeat 6 times/ wrist warmer).

row 1: k2, yo, p2 tog., k1, (2 yo , k2 tog.) 2 times, k1
row 2: k2, (k1, p1 in yo*, k1 ) 2 times, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 3: k2, yo, p2 tog., k3, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1
row 4: k2, k1 p1 in yo*, k1, k1 p1 in yo*, k3, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 5: k2, yo, p2 tog., k5, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1
row 6: k2, k1 p1 in yo*, k1 ,k1 p1 in yo*, k5, yo, p2 tog, k2
row 7: k2, yo, p2 tog., k7, (2 yo, k2 tog) 2 times, k1
row 8: k2, k1 p1 in yo*, k1, k1 p1 in yo*, k7, yo, p2 tog., k2
row 9: k2, yo, p2 tog., k14
row 10: cast of 8st., k5, yo, p2 tog., k2

Thanks to everyone who helped!