A Use for Odds and Ends

I’m really happy, because the youth group at our church is having a service night, and they will be tying 30 baby quilts. They asked if ANYBODY HAD ODD BALLS OF YARN AROUND!!! to tie the quilts with.
I said, “Hmmm, maybe I have a few”.
So, these small balls are going to a useful purpose, after sitting in a drawer for so long. :woohoo:

I’m never sure what to do with the odd remainder balls that I have. I hate to toss them but they just sit there and look at me.

Good that yours will be put to good use! :slight_smile:

that’s excellent! I’m making a charity doll right now, using odds and ends too for my step-mil’s church. I plan to do a few. “Plan…”

i never thought of that! thank you!