I haven’t posted any photos yet of my work yet, so here goes.
Here is my first “finished” piece. It started out as a mesh stitch dishcloth, that I worked on when I had time to knit, but not enough time or concentration to work on my project scarf. It is only a few rows because I reached the end of my scarf and I wanted to practice binding off before I performed it on the scarf and I cut this short.
I didn’t use a guide; I made it up as I went along and it turned out pretty ugly. However, I had started this several times and I didn’t feel like pulling it apart yet again, so I cut it off.
Next is my dishcloth that I made after I read about binding off and learned there is a method for knits and purls. I decided I’d better use the same pattern as my scarf for practice.
I haven’t figured out how to weave in the ends (tucked underneath for a clean photo) and I think I’m going to crochet a fringe, but for all intents and purposes, this is finished!
Finally, this is first ever knitted project. This is what I started in my knitting class and it is finally almost done – I just need to bind it off and decide whether or not to add a fringe. I have plenty of yarn; I’m just not sure how much extra work a fringe is. (Maybe I should add one to that first image above and see what I think! )
Now I’m working on another practice square using the mesh stitch. I want to see if it looks better with a solid color acrylic yarn rather than the multi-color “kitchen cotton”.
Thanks for looking!