I just had to share this FO of mine even though it isn’t knitting related!
A friend asked me to make her wedding invitations and I just finished them tonight. Talk about pressure! I told my mom if she ever hears me offer to do this again to shoot me! They weren’t hard to make or anything, it’s just the worry that she won’t be 100% happy with them.
These open up with her info on the inside like a normal invitation, but there’s also a pocket to hold the itinerary and maps for the weekend. They are only inviting immediate family to spend a wedding weekend at a mountain resort here in NC. (Lake Lure, where they filmed Dirty Dancing for you trivia nuts!)
Anyway, I’m so excited that they are finally done that I had to share! DH is tired of me stressing about this, so he’s pretty happy too! :lol:
And I’m doubly happy that now I can get back to my knitting! I grounded myself from all knitting projects until I finished these. Now where are those needles?