A lot of questions!

I’m working on http://knitty.com/ISSUEfall04/PATTunbiased.html

and I have two pieces done, half of the third. I am pondering the strap. I’ve made it out of a worsted weight yarn and am concerned about the strap stretching.

I want the make the strap adjustable. Have you seen those purses where the strap seem to tie and shorten and lengthen that way? idk but this is the kind of thing I want.

So, any idea how I should handle this strap?

Also, what is grafting on?

and How should I stitch it up? and with what? It says my “favorite method” for sewing. lol…sewing machine… :roflhard:

Anyway, i’m not sure this is even all of them yet. Let me know what you think!

I wouldn’t use a sewing machine. Since it’s not felted I think I’d see how mattress stitch looks.

It seems the handle is grafted…maybe at the top? I know you can use those loops for adjusting…sew the loop on one end and then weave the other one through, but I don’t think they are very secure for something that could get fairly heavy at times. :think: These type of things…

Some more stuff here -