Firstly, I don’t want this thread to wander off into the territory of candidates and issues. I’m from Iowa, and while I’m told that the rest of the country is tired of hearing about us and our caucuses, trust me: I’m even more tired of listening to politics. I just thought my fellow crafty folks might appreciate the idea I had yesterday.
I got a ball winder for Christmas, and I used some of my Christmas money to buy two skeins of beautiful wool from High Prairie Fibers. Halfway through trying to wind the first skein (I don’t have a swift and I have yet to grow any extra appendages…), I had a massively tangled ball in my lap and was patiently disentangling it. I’ve done this with many balls of yarn in the past few months, as I’m making an intarsia baby blanket and I’ve had to split each ball into 8 equal portions by hand.
I think that political candidates should be required to do things like this. We should make them untangle balls of yarn or complete other tasks requiring patience, determination, and problem solving skills while they do their debates. Not just presidential candidates, either. I think Congress would benefit from this treatment. Better yet, let’s give them a task where they will have to work together to complete it.
Anyone can claim that their policies are better than someone else’s policies, and honestly: only time will tell whether the policies implemented will have the desired effect. I’d really like to see a practical demonstration of each candidate’s ability to reason through cause and effect, solve problems, and adapt to work more efficiently if necessary.
I’m not sure I want to trust my country to anyone who can’t untangle a ball of yarn.