Howdy there,
I’ve been knitting for about a little less than a month now, I’ll have some update pics later on tonight, but for now some how-to’s are in order.
I’m working on two scarves, one is a standard 2x2 rib pattern, the other has some cables. They’re turning out great though there were a few (un)emergencies that have now been resolved. However, now that I’m reading and learning more, I think these scarves may need to be blocked when done? The scarf with cables because it might end up being a little shorter than I wanted, so I’m hoping blocking will lengthen it a bit. The ribbed scarf, I added a 5 stitch garter border but it’s turning in on itself a bit, I’m about 1/3 done and I’ve already frogged it twice, so I dunno… I’ll post some pictures of it later tonight to show what I mean, but the garter border is a bit tight and the ribbed part sags a little so that the two sides wanna bend inward and tube a bit. Will blocking help this??
Also, I don’t HAVE a blocking board. How can I manage one from household materials? Some cardboard boxes and sewing pins?
Is there anyone in the Philadelphia area willing to let me come over for an afternoon and block a couple of pieces? I’d be willing to uh… trade you a homemade pie? I’ve been baking for waaay longer than I’ve been knitting, and my pies are delicious if I do say so myself!
Anyhoo. I’ll probly have to try to maneuver something… What’s funny is that the person I’m giving the scarf to HAS a blocking board at home, but it would sorta ruin the surprise… and who wants to get a gift with a note: “Here’s a scarf, block it yourself”?
Thanks, you guys are awesome. I’m so glad I found this forum.