I’ve just unpicked a rather large cardigan I knitted in winter (we’re upside down, here).
will tell you what the wool is, and its thickness (considerable).
My question is, what can I now do with it? I have no wish to revisit any pattern in that producer’s range, so seek help from those who understand these things with regard to obtaining a pattern for - oh, say, a self-pattern cardigan?
8-ply cardigan pattern?
You could do a search on www.ravelry.com (it’s free to join) and limit your searches to patterns in your yarn, or your weight yarn, to get some ideas of what others have posted. Many of the patterns are free.
I could indeed, Ingrid - if I had the faintest understanding of what this wool actually IS. When I started out knitting things were much easier: it was all ‘ply’.
One knitted an 8-ply garment or one knitted a 12-ply garment (come to think of it, my wool might be 12-ply!), or one knitted whatever ply pleased one.
Wool doesn’t identify itself any more; so if you were able to advise me what you believe the wool I used is, I would fall to the ground and kiss your toes.
Okay, try doing the wraps per inch - wrap the yarn, not tightly, around a ruler and count how many strands are in an inch. Then using the wpi chart at the bottom of this page, determine if it’s an 8 or 12 ply or in between which would be be US worsted weight. But the yarn you linked to is a dk or 8 ply, so that’s probably what it is.
On ravelry you can search for patterns using the weight, so that’s probably your best place to look.
I shall do as instructed! - with gratitude.
Many thanks, O wondrous moderators.