I get thru 48 rows. Then I get totally confused with the pattern. Anyone out there knitted this one. Thanks.
52 weeks of shawls pattern sotabosc
Do you use Ravelry? There are 50 projects listed. The notes and “in progress” photos may help you get over being stuck:
You can also try asking in the Laine Magazine (publisher) group on Ravelry. Looks like they have some threads set up already:
Or please post a small section of the instructions here – just the part you are stuck on and a little bit of context – and we will try to help
After you get to row 48, you then work from row 17 to 48 of the cable chart - the section in the pink box shows the repeat that you follow as the stitch count increases. E.g.when you get to row 49, you’ll have enough stitches on the needles to fit in two lots of the stitches in pink box in row 17.
You then work rows 17 to 48 of the same chart, in the same way, for another 6 or 8 times, depending on the size shawl you’re making. Then finally, you work rows 17 to 36 of the cable chart.
As the shawl gets bigger, with more stitches, you work more of the repeats in the pink box.
Each pink box repeat has 16 stitches, and each time you work rows 17-48, you increase the stitch count by 16, so you should expect an additional repeat in width each time you complete the chart 17-48.
Does that make sense?
It’s a lovely pattern!
Thanks for the tip. I ripped it all out and started over. I am almost back to that point I will give it another try. I will check back if I have trouble again.
Oh dear, why did you have to rip it all out? Weren’t the first 48 rows ok? Still, it’s worth getting it as you want, or it just niggles at you - believe me, I’m an expert at that! My husband laughs at me when I ask his opinion because he says “you’re just going to redo it anyway”!!
Maybe you can put a life line in now so that if it doesn’t go as you want you don’t have to rip it all out but can just go back to the life line?