This my first attempt at socks.
Other than having a bit of trouble getting the 1st sock started, it doesn’t have any mistakes…(amazing)
So I’m now working on the 2nd sock and for some crazy reason I keep making mistakes but I don’t discover them till many rows later. I think trying to knit at work is partly to blame. Too many distractions.
One of the mistakes is twisted sts on the heal bottom. I don’t like it but I’m leaving it.
The next mistake is I went too far decreasing at the gusset so I have 4 less sts than I should, ugh!
Yeah I hate it but decided to continue on and worry about it when I begin the decrease at the toe. I know it will throw off the size a bit but oh well, it’s my first right?
Am I just so anxious to finish these socks that I am getting reckless?