1000 members!

Amy, it looks GREAT! You must be :happydance: !

Not to discount JGM…you helped get us there!! :wink:

This is such a great forum. I’m # 1007! I’ve used the techniques help many times and boy, has it helped me!

WELCOME, Sylvia!! :waving:

i was #40 and i haven’t popped in for a while so was i surprised and excited for amy to see that 1000 members have joined! what a year. congrats amy! congrats everyone.

amy the new cd design looks great.

Going by join date, I’m #259. Is that right? I can’t quite figure out if I’ve come to this number right or not. If it IS right, that’s totally wicked to have 741+ folks join only since January!!!

CONGRATS, Amy. Love the new CD cover. Can’t wait to get one fer myself.

Knit on, my sistahs (and bros).


I was 493 on March 1.

Beat you kelly, neener! :roflhard:

We are at 1023 already. It seems to go in spurts… 10 people join at once then none for a few days

wow, to think I was number 6 in Nov of last year! WOW! Actually, I remember Amy sending me new videos she hadn’t even put up yet because I needed help! Thanks so much Amy! I have learned so much from here and have managed to try and teach other people. To think I am now inspiring people… it’s like a chain!

And I’m probably one of the younger ones on here. And started knitting when I was 17 (last year) Now I’m going on 19, and I LOVE to knit!

I went through the typical newbie questions, especially since the person who was near and dear to me (albeit I only knew her for a few months) died only a few months after teaching me about knitting and life. This website has helped me when she couldn’t.

I haven’t been by here very often lately, but I visit about 2-3 times a week now just to check things out. I’ve been on a crafty and sewing kick lately. Soon I need to pick up the needles…speaking of which I found a DPN the other day that I had fretted over loosing months ago! I was sooo happy, and where was it?! In a One pounder of yarn that I was using to crochet my carebear!!! … Somethings tricky tho, cause I had wiggled in before and nothing poked out, but then again it IS a one POUNDER. And I used about half, or a third.

Anyway, thanks Amy, and WAY TO GO! :thumbsup: :cheering: :cheering: :happydance: :XX: Knit on…

And uh, I also noticed this link http://www.crochethelp.com goes here…

When do we get that section??? :wink: :thinking: I can’t wait! Because I have trouble with crochet sometimes too :oops: But then I started crocheting just a few months before I started knitting, and I learned how to do a starting knot in crochet from a knitting video online! lol. How weird right?

Oh yeah! I finished that blanket for my boyfriend from Coats and clark patterns…COZY WEEKEND…IT covers his queen sized bed! …grumble…I’m never making that again!

I’ve posted too long lol, Love you all, and

Congrats again to this love for knitting!

Inspire us some more :happydance:

Ps…sorry for the crappy pics. They are from my boyfriend’s webcam. My digicam is at home

heh, this is for all you geeks here, especially you, Joel. I just noticed that there are now 1,024 users on this board. so now we truly do have a thousand users.

So I guess this means that knittylongstock, is the mega-user. hehe

hint for all you non-geeky people 1,024 bytes is considered to be 1000 bytes in computer language. has to do with binary mathematics, don’t ask, takes too long to explain in non-technical terms. :smiley:

:shock: :rollseyes: :hiding:

:inlove: I love when you speak geek to us.

OH RORSCHACH! I think I may drop my hanky and FAINT!


LOL Kelly